I paddled out to my secret point break once and scored excellent surf once again. As usual, there was nobody else around except the occasional boater. That is, until a guy showed up from the other tributary stream on a paddleboard and joined me in the line-up!
Dude was pretty brave. The water was quite cold and he had just a pair of boardshorts. I even saw him in the drink at one point fixing something on his board!
I tried to play it cool and not talk much, but eventually paddled over and remarked on how stoked I was about the waves. He agreed.
The guy stuck around for just a few waves and then disappeared. I wonder if he lives in one of the nearby mansions…
After surfing, I walked around on the rocks for a bit collecting trash and found this balloon. It still had some helium and, feeling that it was an auspicious sign, tied it to the back of my kayak for the paddle back to the car.