Air travel sucked as usual. We sat on the runway at Dulles for 3+ hours as a violent electrical storm surged over. (It was pretty ominous when everybody on the plane got an emergency phone notification at the same time!)
The kids did great, though. Very patient and very responsible with their masks:

I, on the other hand, was perturbed by this dumb-looking bald fuckface who preferred to keep his chin protected instead of his fellow passengers. Here he is waiting at the baggage claim in PBI:

I’m not a violent person, but this dude has a very punchable face.
AND we were graced by his presence on the way back north, too! (This despite our return trip being delayed by two days due to a glut of stranded passengers in Palm Beach.) This time he was just a couple rows ahead of us:

Better or worse than Rudy Fucking Giuliani?