I’ve been busy. REALLY busy. And the photoblog has suffered as a result. I’ve got a big backlog of photos, but I haven’t had time to go through and edit them. So, in the meantime, I’ve got something else.
I look at all the local surfcams multiple times a day. (I even made a page on my website with all of them embedded, so I can check them all at once!) Sometimes, I really like what I see–and not just because there are waves.
I’ve started thinking of the surfcams as kind of like my own cameras and I’ve started taking screenshots. I don’t own the cameras, of course, and I didn’t set them up. I didn’t choose the angles and I didn’t adjust the settings. But I did choose when to snap and I think there’s some artistic merit in that decision. Feel free to debate.
Here’s a week’s worth of surfcam screenshots.