February’s a good time to post Halloween pics, right?
Last year was another successful scary season in Kittery. This time, we had a new member of the family join us: Steve the Skeleton (or just Skelesteve). That’s him up on the railing joined by his minions down on the steps.
The kids wanted to be glow-in-the-dark skeletons. As usual, the costume designs required a bit of experimentation. We thought these glowing hockey masks would be good, but they turned out to be way too big and weird for the kids. (Sarah and I wore them instead.)
We got some glow-in-the-dark paint and some black PJs and got to work. We cut out paper inserts so the paint wouldn’t bleed through. Note the rigid, curled up pants on the bench behind the kid:

Then we decided that the PJs were too big and that they weren’t going to be warm enough. Off to Wally World to buy some black sweats…
Ol’ Dad drew the outlines and the kids filled in the bones:

We did a couple careful coats of white paint first…

…and put a glow-in-the-dark coat on top:

I think they came out pretty good. The glow didn’t last very long, so I bought a UV flashlight to recharge along the way.
The last part was the skull masks, which came out weird but scary:
The rest of the gang:

Trick-or-treating until dark, then off to the parade in Portsmouth:

Then back to Kittery to close up shop at the same house party we went to last year. Sarah had a bit of trouble with the snipers: