Portsmouth has been KILLING IT with the Prescott Park Arts Festival.
First we saw Allen Stone. I’d never heard of him (or at least had forgotten about him) and wasn’t really into the playlist on the website, but the performance was perfect. Totally charismatic, great musicians, and had the entire audience up and dancing almost from the get-go. After the show, the kids saw that he was doing autographs and went down to the stage to say “hi.” He told everyone else, “let’s do the kiddos first,” and spent real time talking with each one of them. Signed the autographs “Your Uncle Al.”
A few weeks later, one of my all-time favorite drummers: Stanton Moore and his band Galactic. They were just as good didn’t even let a little rain spoil the fun:

(It looks worse in this photo than it actually was.)
Also, it was Stanton’s birthday!