the shit between the cracks

Right before I stained our bedroom floor, I decided to scrape out all (OK, most) of the crap that had collected between the boards. This was a sucky experience. There was a lot of gunk and embedded in the gunk were lots of screws, nails, bobby pins, safety pins, regular pins, splinters, staples, paper clips, matches, Lite Brite pegs(!), toothpicks, and other sharp paraphernalia. I wore leather gloves, but since so much of the gunk required a lot of force to scrape out, many of the freed and pointed objects ended up piercing the leather and going into my hand.

Here’s a wider shot of some of the booty:

I don’t remember when my last tetanus booster was, but it’s been several months now and my jaw remains unlocked. Whew!

the shit between the cracks