ice storm 2013, III

Oh, so it’s like that is it? Took me ten minutes to kick out the ice around the handle and another five of cautiously yanking on it to get the sucker open.

Later, after chiseling the ice off of Liz’s car (like little ice elves, I noted!) the gang helped us scrape Terry (our car) clean. Once I was able to get in the front, I turned on the engine with the defrost full blast. Eventually we started seeing little bubbles rising between the window and the ice casing. I had an idea.

Then I got in the driver’s seat, closed the door, rolled down the window and followed up on this idea. And so the world witnessed the crowning achievement of my life thus far (I can say that because my kid ain’t born yet):

(Liz took this expertly timed photo.)

ice storm 2013, III