Loki the Cat

Looking sinister in the caretaker’s cottage on Bakers Island.

Old comments:

shemp @ 2010-08-03 04:40:44
Those shiny wood floors looks pretty ideal for a few frames of cat-bowling. Just sayin'.

shemp @ 2010-08-03 07:11:08
Also, why is all camera info "N/A"? Did you paint this one?! Wowzers!

Andre @ 2010-08-03 07:16:29
Actually… I was using Photoshop Online to process the last few pictures since I was away from my usual computer. Looks like they stole the metadata.

(Actually, I don't like the way they came out anyway. They're a little grainy on the edges in some places. I'm going to re-upload the photos in a minute.)

Andre @ 2010-08-03 08:02:11
All fixed!

shemp @ 2010-08-03 08:17:34
Great, now my second comment doesn't make any sense. THANKS FOR THAT.

Andre @ 2010-08-03 08:25:16
It does if you read my long comment!

Loki the Cat