The Anchor Brewing Co. in San Francisco offers weekday tours of their brewery. The tour is free, but spots are in high demand so you have to sign up months in advance.
Well… Sarah signed us up for a tour on my birthday! (She’s awesome.)
Unfortunately, Sarah couldn’t go. But my good friend Shemp caught a red eye the night before and took her place!
The tour was awesome and ended with our (awkward) tour guide Molly giving us delicious free beer. Andrew bought a couple shirts for friends of his and Molly threw in some temporary tattoos. We put them on (and made a mess) at a bar later that evening. Here’s mine:
(The "S" started to peel off the next day. I decided that being on "TEAM anchor" wouldn’t be so bad.)
Old comments:
s @ 2010-03-14 19:06:56
Go Team Anchor!