In Santa Barbara, we used to live in family student housing. Aside from some overly sensitive neighbors and their kid (who would, allegedly, wake up and cry every time we so much as looked at our shared wall), it was a pretty sweet setup! Two floors, two bedrooms, two (admittedly small) porches, a patio, friendly/helpful management staff, and enough space in the back for a hammock! A bunch of our friends managed to weasel their way in as well, so the party never ended. (Actually, in my opinion, it was the only affordable housing option in the city.)
One weird thing about the place, though, was the numbering system for the different apartments. The complex was laid out on a grid of intersecting paths named according to a fanciful arboreal theme. (We lived on Willow Walk.) Rather than number the buildings consecutively, it seems that they came up with enough unique numbers (starting in the 700s, for some reason) to account for each building and then sprinkled them randomly around the complex. (We lived in 792, pictured above.)
To make matters worse, only a handful of the streets made the cut for Google Maps. (Our section of Willow Walk, as the map shows, did not.)