
Things have been crazy busy lately and the ol’ photoblog has taken a major hit. Well, I got an idea!

Right before school started, Sarah and I went on a two week trip to Germany, Portugal, and Spain. As per usual, I took a buttload of pictures. Some of them even turned out OK! Usually, after such a trip, I put them all up on a single page and blow a lot of good P-blog material all at once. This time, though, I’m gonna double post the good ones here too. The picture above is the view from Anicia’s fabulous Berlin penthouse suite.

So check this out: If you wanna see all the photos at once and get the whole story, you can. Here’s the link. But if you want to savor the flavor, stay here and watch the cream of the crop trickle in. I won’t write up long captions those are already up on the trip page. I’ll try to post pictures here in the same order, though, in case you want to read about a photo without skipping ahead. (Just don’t scroll down too far!)

Sound good? Good. (BTW, there’s gonna be about eighty of these motherfuckers!)
