A big wind storm hit the North Country a little while back. It knocked down a bunch of trees, including the one that used to be situated right next to the wire connecting our house to the main lines over on Broad St.
The village crew got there pretty quickly to clean up the tree…
…but the National Grid website was predicting that our power would be out until around 11pm. We decided to tough it out (the temperature was forecast to go way down again) and broke out some glowsticks for a blackout rave. Otis has the green ones in this picture and I’m standing behind him with a blue one and a yellow one.
After one really (REALLY) cold night, we check the NG site again and saw that they’d pushed our time back another 24hrs. We said “fuck this,” packed our bags, and booked an Airbnb in Burlington. No sense getting upset. The entire town of Norwood (just north of Potsdam) was blacked out, and the wire going to our house powered just two other houses. We figured we were pretty low priority.