This has been a long time coming…
I’ve been using Pixelpost to run this blog for eleven years now and it has always served me well. Lately, though, I’ve noticed that pages are taking a little longer to load than they used to. (Perhaps I’m just growing impatient.) This sluggishness probably has something to do with the fact that the latest version of Pixelpost came out in 2009. I’ve been running outdated software for almost a decade!
So I backed up my files, copied my database, wiped the subdomain, and installed a fresh new copy of WordPress! Moving everything over has taken the better part of a week (re-uploading images, modifying character codes in the database, migrating the comments, tweaking the theme, etc.), but I think that this new platform will serve us well. I haven’t settled on the look of the blog, but WordPress makes it very easy to move things around and tweak the details. Expect minor changes in the coming weeks as I inevitably change my mind!
Feedback is welcome and requests will be considered. New features:
- archive searching (try it out!)
- full resolution downloads (click any pic from now on)
The photo above is of Michael Haydn’s “Sky’s the Limit” in the tunnel between concourses at O’Hare. I think it’s appropriate.