On a recent camping trip in Vermont, we started getting scared that it was going to rain. We’d spent the previous night in a tent site at Grand Isle State Park with no weather problems. (It was awesome, by the way. Our first time camping with dogs. And despite their rejecting the Walmart tent we’d bought ’em, they seemed to have a good time too.) But this night was looking a little thunderstormy so after a delectable dinner at the Long Trail Brew Co. we decided to spring for a lean-to.
Coolidge State Park (named for the nearby presidential birthplace) was right up the road so we decided to check it out. We asked if they had any lean-tos available and the guy in the booth said "Yeah." Then he made this weird noise, and it wasn’t clear if it indicated a good or bad development.
Turns out it was a good noise. The premier lean-to was available. The one people usually book months in advance. Here it is at night.